I know, I know. You noticed my lack of posts on here, but in all truth, I like to provide you with a good quality read whenever I do a post and frankly I wanted to also save time by not putting up work from this semester until I knew it was over and I could also add pictures and info to this!
With that out of the way let me just start by saying that I had a revelation about mid-way through this term, probably around the time when I was assigned the "build a functioning lamp from re purposed or recycled material" project in my product design class. I remember sitting there thinking to myself that my quality of work could use a re-check. Not saying it was entirely bad but it wasn't where I wanted it to be, makes sense no? Okay so the whole re-evaluation came and went and so started my work work! REMEMBER-the harder you work-the better the payoff.
Gosh there is so much to cover so Ill try to start with the top class that I am so proud of and will provide pictures and information to go with it! PRODUCT DESIGN 1
Product Design, for those that have read previous posts, has been an absolute blast and I recommend for anyone aspiring to do Industrial Design, to take a product design class immediately. It's worth it(x100). I'm walking away from this semester having earned my key to open this next door. It's that perfect. The product? I created a lamp from 4 Capri-Sun boxes, how cool right? I learned not only the importance of the manufacturing process, but time management, how to utilize the Adobe Creative Suites and create a process book to go along with my projects. Call me the cool kid on the block! Also I want to make a side note, my very best friend, the very first person I met out here had an awesome lamp too. I named mine ILLUME. Ill post pictures because if I keep going this post will be solely dedicated to product design and the lamp I created!
As agitated that I seemed to be at this class at times, at the end of the day, I have to say it truly enabled me to understand perspective from a very structured point of view and I am proud of myself for following through with every project and making sure that it was done and done correctly. Even if I had to re-do it, once it was finished....It was a weight and stress pulled off my shoulders. The final in this class consisted of doing a full book full of everything that we have done since day 1. Organized neatly with a follow up project that was turned in today, Ill post pictures.
Never did I think I would find drawing naked people so informative and engaging. Since the beginning back in Feb. I have seen where I have come and I am SO SO SO excited to show you what I created with my own HANDS! I'm telling you, I know you're thinking to yourself....wait doesn't it say " I want to be a car designer" at the top? Yes it does. I cant take one step forward until I know for a fact that I gave all the necessary classes a solid attempt at fluffing my portfolio that I will eventually submit to Art Center. Remember, anything that could help sell myself as a designer!
There is a reason I put it last. Don't take it.
There is such a lack of professionalism in this class, and that's sad. I don't know if this is particular people in my class or the lack of the instructors position as the person in charge, but I feel really let down. There is so much potential in the beginning to basically pick your brains apart and find out what you are capable of as an abstract artist. I'm not abstract in my drawings, cause Ill admit that I really like the structure of Trans Design, but I legitimately tried. It was the instructor who checked out. Her lack of communication with the student body left all the students feeling shortchanged, and in my case, 700 bucks down the drain....I know I was vague in exactly why I didn't enjoy this class and its primarily because this is an open blog, but let me reassure you, it was not worth my time.
On a lighter note, my next door neighbor is the President of my school. The best part about that is the fact that when you take the President name tag off, she is just one of the nicest, most caring, intelligent individuals I have ever met. EVERYTHING has happened for a reason and I will say I have learned more in 10 months than what I learned in my 2 year absence from school. Seriously.
So let me say this before I go and hunt down all these pictures to post. Follow your dream.
Follow it and don't stop until it happens.
Please, do it for yourself. Be happy.
Also, be aware. Think things through and know your surroundings and NEVER EVER EVER be afraid to ask for help and talk. Talk until you're blue in the face because as long as you're following your dream, there is someone along the way that wants to listen. I promise.