Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking Back / Looking Forward

 Fall 2009 -

Summer 2012

I took a moment to look back at previous posts of mine. I am humored by my honesty and lack of understanding, but looking closely, I am genuinely oblivious to my growth.

I want to make it clear to those who are visiting for the first time, and those that have been reading since Winter '09 when I fired this thing up. I came from zero, ZERO talent. Zero understanding of design and aesthetic. Zero comprehension of what I was about to go through and in a sense I still do have my blinders on a bit....
My talent is ever evolving and my ability to grow and learn from mistakes are happening now at an exponential rate. This is a distance race, so I am only settling in for the long haul.

It IS possible to learn all of this with no previous experience, you just have to want it.