Traveling at Christmas time wreaks havoc on me. Especially this year. Currently I am sitting in LAX. At my gate, except its 3:12am and the guys that clean the floor are using their industrial gas powered cleaner to really schlack on the mop-n-glow. It sounds like a jet engine basically is taking over the terminal and all the people that are attempting to sleep are giving that disgusted stare at the cleaning crew. The christmas music playing over the speakers is providing the irony while the gentleman next to me has found a way to use every electronic device I believe he has ever owned, and enjoying himself while they charge on those useful charge stations that they have set up every so often, the ones with the 45 plug-ins. He is managing to use 43 of them.
Met a marine tonight as well, he is trying to get home to his family while he is on leave til the 28th. He was one of the victims of stand-by travel like myself. Stranded not only because of the nasty nasty New York blizzard but of apparent shortage of planes around here......its LA for crying out loud. Hoorah
I will be crabby in the morning if I am unable to sleep.
Im learning my lessons I swear. Whatever I did wrong recently and I am sorry this is Karmas way of making sure I really learn.
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