Things that I have learned since this semester started 4 weeks ago have been a kick to the face.
Partly it is my fault, because not only did I allow myself to get rusty this summer by not actively starting the projects I had planned but after the wreck happened I put my design works on the back burner altogether. So when everything started back up I remember sitting in my Advanced Rendering class looking down at my paper trying to just do simple shapes in marker but it was like a monkey doing a math problem. An utter disaster. Starting with that mess and moving into the advanced product design class I have, it was bittersweet to be back in the class because I love where this class will take me, but the fact that I didnt have my prior instructor made me realize how lucky I had been to have him first. Not discrediting the current one by any means, his teaching style is just so-less polished-than in the spring, So he is difficult in my mind but no less effective and it will take time like any other teacher.
It bothers me sometimes when I sit here and have to talk about these issues in such a public way, but the stresses....they get to me you know? I, like 99.9999% of the human population hate the feeling of "surely someone else has gone through something similar" only to realize that your going through this alone. This past saturday I had to go to the hospital because for the last 3 weeks I have had this vein in my right arm-around the inside of the arm right at the bend-that has been popped out and stiff. At first I remember looking up the symptoms on WebMD, to which I was diagnosed to basically be dead. So my panic didnt subside and my stresses started to literally become worse, so much so that I guess I shut the world off, started sleeping less and I would be sitting at my desk and get so dizzy that I would be afraid to get up. So last saturday came and in typical fashion I became dizzy, but I immediately-and safely-got into my car and went to the hospital. I was so scared, scared to the point that I'm pretty sure if the parking was going to cost me any money by the time I got there I would burst out in tears. I waited in the emergency room for 2 hours and then was whisked to a little room where I probably waited 30 minutes more and was taken up to the other side of the hospital (in a wheelchair) to have an Ultrasound done on my whole upper right side. The verdict? I have superficial vein thrombosis. It is associated with deep vein thrombosis, which is deadly :-(. Scared is an understatement.
Hopefully Ill be okay. My dizzy spells are inconsistent now and I still think it also might be a byproduct of my stress. So after class today I came home and from 6:30-11pm I slept. I needed it.
Lesson from this month-do your homework and try to keep up, but dont kill yourself doing it.