Apparently I have zero manners.
One of the top reasons as to why I started this blog was that I would be able to discuss my troubles as they happen. As you know though, we're all human. We dont like to talk about our problems when we're knee deep in them. Out of sight out of mind.
Im guilty as can be.
I dont want this to start off as a rant or complaint because I think I have done that around my friends enough and dragging that onto here can only be saved until later, either in this post, or until next post which, I can only promise that I will attempt to frequent more often ESPECIALLY since the semester is IN session.
First of all let me clarify my class load-
Advanced Rendering
Advanced Product Design
Lettering Fundamentals
Intro To Digital Tools
Im not sure what to elaborate on first, I guess the most important thing right now to know is that the first real month of school is full of (and I feel like this is regardless of timing) unsociable mess, the likes of which I cant understand since this is the time when communicating between classmates is important....haha
Outside of that, up until August 31 (first day of school) I was traveling back and forth a lot between LA, Nashville, and I managed to get out to Europe with my dad for a weekend in Milan, Italy. Talk about awesome (also explains the picture of the Fiat 500). Also, I was able to travel up north to Indiana to my grandparents farm, spend a couple of days there and then finally come back here and start school.
The first day was great and I have had difficulty adjusting to my schedule considering one class gets out at 9:10pm and im up the next morning by 7. Many add-ins to come later but class loads are VERY difficult for me now.
Also, my wallet was stolen :-| it was on the 12th of this month. I was at Chipotle grabbing dinner and between the front counter and my car my wallet must have either been left on the counter or fell out of my pocket. It was devastating to say the least. If you happen to hear about it or have it and you read this, please dont hesitate to get it to me :-/ it was a Cole Haan wallet with MY WHOLE EFFING LIFE IN IT. hahahah, but these are things that happen. I guess it was better to have happened now than later in life when I might of had cash or perhaps even more vital information in it. Regardless I have my new cards and things so life goes on.
Also right now im doing cologne bottle ideation for rendering and clock design for product. My name in lettering on vellum and a business card and letterhead in digital tools class.
Lets load up with pictures!
Sorry to hear you wallet was stolen.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the thumbnails for the colgne bottle, looking forward to seeing some more.