Tuesday, November 29, 2016


I want to check in.

7 Years ago, I set out on a journey. I packed everything I had (which wasn't much) and move to California in the hopes of putting all of my energy into becoming a "car designer".  To say that it was impossible was an understatement and I believe it was sheer ignorance and fearlessness that kept me going. I can't begin to tell you how many times I wanted to cry foul and leave because things were not moving fast enough or I felt like I reached a dead end. I willingly admit that there were times that my parents, my friends, and even instructors lost patience with me.  I allowed that to happen and looking back, there is so much I would change (including bonking my younger self over the head a few times to speed this process up or focus).
This post isn't about all the times I screwed up though, because I did enough of that. Instead it is an honest admission and proof that you can be made better by your mistakes. Even going further to say that without taking the risks, without the mistakes and missteps, I wouldn't be here. I know now that although I do learn a bit more slowly but when I do learn new techniques/tricks/tips, it sticks. I learned that your friend circle will adjust based on your life and what you do,and thats okay.  I also learned how to communicate better, how to present with professionalism and how to sell an idea. I learned how to evolve my professional circle of contacts. I learned how to live.

Seven years ago I started this blog, at the insistence of my friend Paige at the time, she was so smart and knew art and design like I had never seen. She saw the benefits of the long game better than I could, but I committed to this. She was so immensely talented and I am so proud of where she is today - which is also graduated from ACCD and working in the Entertainment Design field.
Seven years ago, I wrote in my first post

"I just finished my first semester at the community college here and this is where I was advised to attend by the powers that be at Art Center. I did awesome, I am improving. I can be better."

How cute right? Bless my heart, I was trying I swear. Eventually I evolved to develop my Tumblr account, and a Twitter and still post about cars on Facebook too.  However it started in earnest here.

I am proudly exclaiming today that in just under 3 weeks time I will be graduating from Art Center.
I had an awesome time, I am still improving. I will be better.

I hope that those who have come here, curious to attend ArtCenter have been able to find information that is relevant to them - and I hope that those who are insecure in their art but desire this level of structure are able to proceed without caution, because if I can make it with persistence and the stubborn will to succeed, you can too.

Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!

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