Friday, November 19, 2010

Change-Much needed.

Ive decided to make a few changes and hopefully the repercussions will be better than worse in the long run. Consider it a mis-step that was not handled when it should have been and thus grew to the giant ball of doom which led me to these past few weeks. Hahaha.

So my last few posts seemed a bit doom and gloom and let me tell you, thats not me. Ive had to do some soul searching, some time catching, and some serious r&r. I went home to Nashville for a week. I had to get away from my classes, from the people, and from generally a place that was not making me happy for a while.

So let me be clear to you. I have been having an extremely tough time lately and I dont know why. To resolve this I re-situated myself within what my quarterly goals are, slightly pro-longing the end result but only by mere months. Going home is like therapy to me, its the smell, the slower pace, the nice people, and the feel that I get when I am home that just crawls over me like a warm towel out of the dryer. I went home to just feel right again. In doing so, when it came time to come back out I knew that this week would be HUGE. I had a few classes to get out of the way and two GIANT days of awesome, also known as the 2010 LA Auto Show Press Days.

Now, let me remind you that I was able to attend last year by the grace of God and a very ballsy move to write a very important person in the business to help get me press passes to the show. As a silly kid from the south just attending his first classes out here I was a little fish, but I really truly felt on top of the world and so I knew that this year would be twice as special because not only was I able to receive the passes but It was that much more special because I had been religiously following the creeping information coming from my favorite source for Auto news,, but the two biggest sights for me to see (the Chevrolet Volt and MINI Countryman S ALL4) would be there. MAN oh man were they incredible the day-of when I finally saw them both.

So many pictures!!!

More info and story to come soon

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